I can't believe how big this kid is getting! I took him to the doctor the other day and he was over 17 lbs. He had gained over a pound and grew over an inch and half in a month!!!! He only weighs about 3 lbs less than his sister, lol. He is doing very good and is becoming more of a handful. He is now starting to stand all on his own and about to walk. I can't believe he is almost a year old, where has the time gone. We have to take him to an allergist in Dec because we truely believe he is either allergic or extremly sensitive to any dairy products!!! He breaks out in hives even if he has only had a half of slice of cheese. So for the next month in a half we just have to read all the labels and really watch what we give him until we can get him tested. Even though its going to be hard in the beginning, at least there are substiutions and he is still a very happy and healthy baby boy!!!!