Jan 2, 2009

Spagetti Time

When Logan served his mission in Wisconsin, he had a family that was feeding him and his companion dinner one night. When they showed up all that was on the table was plastic wrap. plastic forks & cups and napkins. They took their seats and here came the lady with a pot of spagetti and she threw it in the table and dumped the sauce on top of that. She said "dig in and take what you want and put it in front of you". That was one of Logans most memorable dinners ever. So now when we feed the missionaries that is what we do and they LOVE it and get such a kick out of it. Last night we had them over along with our friends, Ben, Lisa, & Dette. The Elders had fun sitting in Lorens pink chair and eating spagetti and deep fried ice cream. Here are some pictures, the one Elder had fun taking pictures of himself.

1 comment:

Living My Dream said...

haha... laughed about the one elder taking pictures of himself! Kimi has a crush on him and he takes pictures of himself ON HER PHONE! It's too funny!