Oct 28, 2008

Gotta Love Kisses

Loren is getting so funny and makes us laugh often!! The other day Logan and I was on the couch and she was in between us. I told her to go give dad a kiss so she did but right after she would come kiss me. She went back and forth for a good 5 minutes just giving us kisses. And when she kisses her mouth is open so wide that all we can do is laugh. I decided to kiss Logan and see if she would get mad or jealous, basically just to see what response I could get out of her. Well when I pulled away from kissing Logan she grabbed the back of my head and pushed it towards Logan and said "momma". She wanted me to kiss Logan again, and every time I would pull away she would push my head towards him. She is such a goof ball. I want to try and get some pictures of her kissing one of us, because the mouth wide open is priceless!!

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